LATEST NEWS – Category:fossuk-event

5 New UK Delegates to the Council of the Swiss Abroad Elected

At the FOSSUK AGM that took place on Saturday 19 June 2021, the outcome of the elections for the UK delegates to the Council of the Swiss Abroad were were announced and ratified. Many congratulations to Andreas Feller-Ryf, Loredana Guetg Wyatt, Michelle Hufschmid, Franz Muheim and Lakshmi Sundaram.

They were elected for a four-year term (2021 - 2025) to represent all citizens in the UK at the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad in Bern,

A huge thank you to all of you who voted, to all candidates for standing, to the Embassy of Switzerland in the United Kingdom for checking the identity of voters, and in particular to the two election officers Camilla Ghislanzoni and Ane Peter of on-IDLE. Camilla and Ane counted and checked all the votes and on-IDLE made it possible that for the first time, Swiss citizens in the UK could vote electronically for their delegates.

New Helvetic Society, Unione Ticinese di Londra, Swiss Club Edinburgh, Swiss Club Manchester, East Surrey Swiss Club, Swiss in the UK and Swiss in London & the UK.

AGM 2021 CSA Elections Presentation