Swiss Review UK Pages

Dear Readers,
As we approach the end of this year, we have some important news to share: the Council of the Swiss Abroad (CSA) has decided to increase the number of regional issues per year with a fifth edition. This means additional space for our community in the UK/Ireland to voice our experience and report on our events and initiatives. This decision also comes in response to the positive feedback we have received through our readership survey on the Swiss Review’s local pages. Moreover, the UK is currently seeking new delegates f or the upcoming 2025 CSA elections.
For questions or more information, please reach out to FOSSUK and follow their social media channels. We invite you to consider joining the Council of the Swiss Abroad to represent and support our UK community. Finally, this year marks the 50th anniversary of the Swiss Review magazine since its first pubblication in 1974. Make sure you check out our special pages dedicated to this milestone in the forthcoming 2025 issue!
All Published Issues
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Have a tale to tell or a news titbit?
Please send any news of your local Swiss club activities urgently to the editor for a chance to feature in the next issue. Gioia Palmieri is always delighted to hear about events held, milestones reached or inspirational Swiss living in the UK & Ireland.
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All entitled Swiss citizens abroad can receive their own copy of “Swiss Review”, either printed or online. The magazine for the Swiss Abroad appears five times a year and provides information about what is happening at home and the activities of Swiss associations abroad. There are three regional editions per year. The Organisation of the Swiss Abroad (OSA) publishes the Swiss Review on behalf of the federal administration, and supported by a dedicated FDFA Delegate.
To ensure you receive the next edition in the format you require, we recommend you take the following steps:
If you have not received “Swiss Review”: check with your Swiss representation (embassy/consulate) that your address has been registered correctly (postal or e-mail address). Contact details of the Swiss representations abroad.
It is also possible to check this with the Helpline FDFA who is available around the clock 365 days a year.
You can catch up on any editions missed in the Archive section in the Editions menu on the Swiss Review pages.
If you wish to change the form of delivery of “Swiss Review” for yourself (from online to paper, or vice versa), you can do so via the FDFA's website. Please note that the change can only be made by persons registered as the head of the household, i.e. those to whom “Swiss Review” is currently addressed.
Please contact your Swiss representation directly about all future matters concerning “Swiss Review”. The editorial team at “Swiss Review” does not have access to your address or administrative details.
To ensure that delivery runs smoothly, please inform your embassy or consulate immediately of any change of address (postal or e-mail).