OSA Petition calling for e-Voting for all Swiss Abroad
e-Voting Petition Success
OSA's call on the Swiss Federal Council & Parliament to make e-voting available to all Swiss Abroad by 2021. The petition gathered 11,492 signatures and was handed to the Federal Chancellery on 30 November.
OSA & Political DiscoursePetition Success: Electronic Voting for all Swiss Abroad
On 30 November 2018 in Bern, the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad (OSA) handed to the Federal Chancellery more than 11,000 signatures gathered online among the Swiss Abroad. The petition calls for electronic voting to be made available to all Swiss Abroad by 2021.
Because of criticisms of electronic voting, the Council of the Swiss Abroad – recognised by the Confederation as the representative of the «Fifth Switzerland» – decided at its meeting on 10 August to launch an online petition,
In the space of a few months and using only the means of communication available to the OSA, the petition has gathered 11,492 signatures, almost 7% of Swiss Abroad registered on an electoral register.
Find out more about the petition and e-voting here >
Signing of the petition closed on 28 November 2018 and will be submitted to the Federal Chancellery on 30 November 2018.
The Organisation of the Swiss Abroad (OSA) is a private foundation founded in 1916, which represents the interests of the 751,800 Swiss abroad.

The Organisation of the Swiss Abroad (OSA) demands that the Federal Council and parliament make electronic voting available to all Swiss abroad by 2021.
This petition aims to enable the 172,100 Swiss people around the world registered on an electoral register to exercise their political rights.
The OSA Press Release is available in German, French, Italian and English.
The OSA hopes that at least 10,000 signatories will support the petition.
Who may sign the petition?
The Federal Constitution provides for a petition right: «Every person has the right to send petitions to the authorities; this may not result in any disadvantages.» Therefore, the petition can be signed by every person, irrespective of their age, sex, nationality or place of residence (in Switzerland or abroad).
Find out more about the starting point and the justification of the petition
The list of previous signatories can be found here.
The Organisation of the Swiss Abroad (OSA) is a private foundation founded in 1916, which represents the interests of the 751,800 Swiss abroad. It is launching a petition calling for the introduction of electronic voting for all Swiss abroad by 2021. Often, because the voting documentation arrives too late, the Swiss abroad cannot participate in the voting and elections.
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