Reverend Manuel Zimmermann Grey Interview
Interview with newly appointed Reverend Manuel Zimmermann Grey with 'News der Reformierten' published on
Swiss NewsReverend Manuel Zimmermann Grey Interview with
Reverend Manuel Zimmermann Grey joined the Swiss Church in London in September 2024.
In his first interview with 'News der Reformierten' published on, Manuel discusses how he is settling in amidst an enormous scandal engulfing the Anglican Church, resulting in the resignation of much respected Archibishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby.
The Archbishop's resignation affected Manuel on a personal level, and brought home the need for fundamental cultural reform in the Anglican Church, and potentially the entire church-governance landscape.
Manuel feels very welcomed by the local Covent Garden, Swiss Community and Swiss Church Team. "The position is rich and varied, but at the same time there are a few big challenges."
«Ich möchte die Swiss Church noch stärker als Forum für aktuelle Debatten positionieren.»
[I would like to position the Swiss Church even more strongly as a forum for current debates.]
We'll all be keeping an eye and popping by the Swiss Church London as often as possible.