Alex Farinelli elected as new Internal Member of the CSA


Congratulations to Alex Farinelli on his Election as a New Internal Member of the Council of the Swiss Abroad (CSA)!

Alex Farinelli elected as a New Internal Member of the Council of the Swiss Abroad (CSA)

Congratulations to Alex Farinelli on his Election as a New Internal Member of the Council of the Swiss Abroad! 

Find out more about representation, delegate elections and the work of the CSA on

«I have offered my availability to serve on the CSA because I believe it is crucial that all linguistic and cultural components of Switzerland are represented in a body that acts as a bridge between federal politics and Swiss citizens living abroad.»

Alex Farinelli succeeds Anna Giacometti, whom we warmly thank for her dedicated service.

«Mi sono messo a disposizione per il CSE perché ritengo importante che tutte le componenti linguistiche e culturali della Svizzera siano rappresentate in un organo che lega la politica federale ai cittadini svizzeri che vivono all'estero.»

Alex Farinelli subentra ad Anna Giacometti che ringraziamo calorosamente per il suo impegno. 

Wir gratulieren Alex Farinelli herzlich zur Wahl als neues Inlandmitglied des Auslandschweizerrates!

«Der Grund für meine Bereitschaft, im ASR Einsitz zu nehmen, ist, dass ich es für wichtig halte, dass alle sprachlichen und kulturellen Komponenten der Schweiz in einem Gremium vertreten sind, das dazu dient, einen Kanal zwischen der Bundespolitik und den im Ausland lebenden Schweizerinnen und Schweizern zu schaffen.»

Alex Farinelli tritt die Nachfolge von Anna Giacometti an, die wir auf diesem Weg gerne verdanken.