LATEST NEWS – Category:osa-political-discourse

Franz Muheim discusses e-Voting in Switzerland


#evoting is threatened in Switzerland. An initiative to stop it has been launched. This would disenfranchise many Swiss Abroad who get their voting material too late by post.

Franz Muheim, a UK Delegate to the Council of the Swiss Abroad and President of FOSSUK was interviewed on this topic on a podcast, see
where we discuss Evoting and digital democracy (in Swiss German).

"The future of democracy will be digital", see Franz Muheim's article on Swissinfo (so far in German and French)

Die Zukunft der Demokratie wird digital sein und E-voting, auf welches die Auslandschweizer angewiesen sind, gehoert dazu, Mein Artikel zu diesem Thema ist auf Swissinfo erschienen (auf deutsch und franzoesisch)…/standpunkt_auslandschwe…/44832342…/point-de-vue_les-suisse…/44837560