Swiss Community Events Calendar

Available for the first time, a comprehensive calendar to download with all Swiss events in the UK - from music concerts to art exhibitions to talks to just having a cuppa.

If you know of an event that is not listed on the calendar below of the PDF download, please do let us know so that we can keep it as up to date as possible:

Send us your event
August 24
Saturday 3rd, 17:00 – Saturday 3rd, 20:30
Swiss National Day Southern Area
Southern Area Swiss Club
Darby Green Centre, Darby Green Lane, Blackwater, GU17 0DT

Let’s celebrate our National Day!

We will have our famous raffle.

Saturday 3rd August Time: 5.00 pm
At the Darby Green Centre, Darby Green Lane, Blackwater, GU17 0DT

Do bring food to add to our communal feast and please let Berni Curtress know whether you are coming (tel: 01276 452516 or e-mail berni@nbtsc.plus.com) and liaise with Berni what you are bringing so that we can get the balance of savouries/puddings right.

We’ll provide a Bockwurst, tea and coffee but if you want something stronger please bring it yourselves (and suitable glasses). You might also want to bring your own mug for tea/coffee.

RSVP please by Wednesday 31st July 2024 (please also notify if you can’t attend)
I look forward to seeing you all! 

Berni Curtress