Swiss Community Events Calendar

Available for the first time, a comprehensive calendar to download with all Swiss events in the UK - from music concerts to art exhibitions to talks to just having a cuppa.

If you know of an event that is not listed on the calendar below of the PDF download, please do let us know so that we can keep it as up to date as possible:

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April 22
Saturday 9th, 10:00 – Thursday 7th, 16:00
Works of Alfred Gruber & his artistic friends
Crossing borders from the Danube to the Humber Exhibition
East Riding Museum, Treasure House, Champney Road, Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU17 8HE

We invite you on this artistic journey from the Danube to the Humber, to discover the outstanding work of Alfred Gruber and his artistic friends.

Our story begins at art school in Linz, with Gruber’s first taste of 'degenerate’ modern art. From Austria, we travel to Switzerland, where this exceptional artist worked with celebrated architects and artists including Jean Arp.

He was mentor to the young David Weiss, who established a Danuben international reputation with the artistic duo Fischli/Weiss.

While in the turbulent year of 1968, Gruber experienced the elation and despair that accompanied Prague Spring, forming friendships with Czech artists Jiří Kolář, Čeněk Pražák and Jan Švankmajer.

Finally, to East Yorkshire where, alongside the sculptor Jacqueline Stieger, he built a workshop and foundry.

@BeverleyArtGallery on Facebook and Instagram

@BevArtGallery on Twitter

Find out more and visit the accompanying online tour on the website: https://www.eastridingmuseums.co.uk/whats-on/?entry=danube_to_humber